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Approach: Training


Many people feel that conflict resolution should be a required course in all our schools. Until that time, Resolution and Mediation Services, Inc., your Creative Resolution Solution, can provide comprehensive dispute resolution training or design seminars to address specialized situations. We conduct workshops for groups of all sizes. The Resolution and Mediation Services, Inc. training modules are valuable for any corporation, business organization or church. Interactive presentations include such topics as --


  • Creating "win/win" situations

  • Responding positively to conflicts

  • Controlling anger and emotions

  • Enhancing empathy and understanding

  • Being assertive without blaming

  • Fostering positive group dynamics

  • Visualizing alternatives

  • Engaging in effective negotiations

  • Saving Time, Energy and Money using Proactive ADR Tactics


We will also prepare specialized programs and pricing, to meet your organization's unique training needs.


Issues and Answers: Employment


Employment relations involve hundreds, if not thousands of personal interactions each day. It is not surprising that some of those interactions give rise to disputes. Left alone, these disputes can fester and intensify, causing tension in the workplace, place of worship and/or communities which affects one’s overall peace, productivity and job satisfaction.


Mediation is the method of choice in resolving these disputes because it builds strong, lasting solutions and fosters improved ongoing relationships. Mediation can lead the way to resolution in many different types of disputes including --


  • Harassment

  • discrimination

  • interpersonal conflicts

  • legal claims

  • dysfunctional teams

  • supervisory difficulties

  • cultural diversity/

  • disparate Treatment


Mediation encourages those involved to seek and develop solutions they can live with. Mediation can produce satisfactory settlements and creative remedies that go beyond traditional legal boundaries, even where the parties are already in litigation.


The Resolution and Mediation Services, Inc., your Creative Resolution Solution, can design systems to establish mediation as an alternative route to address conflicts in your corporation, business organization or church. We also offer group facilitation and training to build a culture to resolve disputes before they grow into major disruptions.


Issues and Answers: Public, Community and Governmental Issues


Destructive power struggles damage people, families, and communities. There is a better alternative. Conflicts involving churches, schools, environment, government rulemaking, police, development, civil and human rights and other important matters can be constructively addressed through multi-party mediation. At Resolution and Mediation Services, Inc., your Creative Resolution Solution, we help identify all those who have a stake in the outcome. Through consensus building, facilitated discussions and other means, we bring together diverse interests to foster mutual understanding and respect, leading to innovative solutions that have the real support of everyone involved, in areas such as --


  • Environment

  • Education

  • Land Use

  • Economic Development

  • Community Values


Resolution and Mediation Services, Inc. initially provides a comprehensive assessment of the possibilities of using dispute resolution approaches to resolve public conflicts. Then, we convene and offer suggestions and guide the process to achieve the greatest amount of participation and to cultivate broad based support for the solutions reached.


Issues and Answers: Corporations and Business Entities


It is a challenge to keep an active organization functioning on track. Sometimes those who do the nuts and bolts work don't have the skills needed to direct and manage their work productively. Managers who do have those skills may have barriers to effective communications within their own units. The very knowledge and ideas needed to excel are often contained within an existing group, but are sometimes inaccessible due to an assortment of possible issues.


The Resolution and Mediation Services, Inc., your Creative Resolution Solution, can help bring out the full resources and ingenuity of employees and managers by facilitating key discussions. concerning --


  • Mission Formulation

  • Strategic Planning

  • Resource Allocation

  • Program Prioritization

  • Idea Building

  • Positive Group Dynamics


Mediation is also useful to prevent disruptions caused by disputes. Whether the dispute involves employment agreements, intellectual property, compensation, working relations, discrimination, workplace harassment or other ongoing issues, Resolution and Mediation Services, LLC can help all involved to achieve their legitimate expectations without leaving the aftermath of acrimony, mistrust or resentment. Everyone enjoys the benefits of an energized workplace and a more productive work environment.


What We Do Continued:


  • Social Security Disability filing assistance (Our professionals help you through the process, providing guidance and support every step of the way. Your paperwork is filled out quickly and correctly, aiding the successful outcome of your case).

  • Present and/or Facilitate "Live" workshops and training (Sensitivity Training workshops, Sexual misconduct/Harassment training, Workshops on Conflict Resolution in the church/workplace/community, etc.)

  • Planning and developing workshop modules

  • Conference Speaker

  • Provide and/or assist client to develop needs assessment, analyze and develop a creative, strategic plan to address those issues of need.

  • Creative Solution Services including much, much more!

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